Ricardo Brito, Coimbra, August 25, 1979. He made his theatrical debut in 1999, on the theatrical initiation course at TEUC – Teatro dos Estudantes...
more6:00 pm Theater “Abril por elas” (April for Them)
Oficina de Teatro OITO – Ricardo Brito and Manuela Brazil
With Manuela Brasil and Ricardo Brito, the play “April for Them” by Oficina de Teatro OITO is a journey through women’s rights, especially at a time when their role was secondary and they had little or no power. It recalls women’s struggle to conquer their most fundamental rights; from the right to vote to the right to autonomy and decision-making capacity over their own bodies, including the very right to have an independent social, personal, family, and professional life.
The show will be followed by a Forum Theater session.
Date: Saturday, November 16
Location: John dos Passos Cultural Center, Vila da Ponta do Sol
Open to the public.
Forum Theatre
Forum Theatre is a unique piece of art as a form of intervention. A technique from Augusto Boal’s method, it is the most used by the Theatre of the Oppressed Company. Originating and developed in Brazil, it was during Boal’s exile in Europe, and more specifically in France, that the technique flourished.
The technique is based on the conviction that theatre can and should be a tool for changing the world and society, with theatrical language being universal and transversal to all humans. Forum Theatre is interactive and allows the spectator to also become an actor, if they wish and if they are driven by situations of injustice, imbalance, or if they feel compelled to intervene to change a trajectory or sequence of events. As if it were real life, it’s a laboratory to explore and test our intervention in the real world in a safe space, while sometimes we feel inhibited to do so in our experiences, but there are so many things we witness that we would like to change, whether in society or individually.
The stage offers alternatives to what we see the actors represent as well as to what we face in real life.
Biography of Manuela Brazil
Of Franco-Brazilian origin, she began her artistic career in dance at the age of 14. Passionate about Brazilian culture, she finds traditional dance a...