The Madeira Jazz Association – Melro Preto (AJMMP) was born from an old dream of people linked to Jazz in Madeira, now realized. In 2019, Alexandre Andrade and Francisco Andrade began designing AJMMP, thinking about the team they would found. After the draft of its statutes was made by Francisco Andrade, on October 16, 2020, the first informal meeting was held to read and reflect on the statutes by the already chosen founding members. The statutes were received at the Santana Notary Office to be reviewed and standardized by Dr. Raquel Abreu. On 01/10/2021, the name of the association and its statutes were approved by the registry office. On the 11th day of February, the 1st General Assembly of AJMMP met in an extraordinary session where the partner bodies constituted by the General Assembly, Board of Directors and Supervisory Council were elected and took office. To date, the association has 101 active members.
The Madeira Jazz Association – Melro Preto (AJMMP) has as its corporate purpose:
- Promote and disseminate jazz music on Madeira Island
- Defend the interests of the jazz community in Madeira
- Improving infrastructure associated with jazz music in Madeira
- Promote jazz-related projects and shows
- Promote Madeiran jazz outside Madeira
- Support and promote jazz training for young people (masterclasses, workshops, etc.)
- Assist and protect the initiatives of members, individuals or legal entities that, subject to internal statutes and regulations, tend to develop the association’s purposes