Graduated at the Laban Center for Movement and Dance, London, Michelle Brown is a capoeirista, choreographer and dancer. The first encounter with capoeira took...
MoreOne of the most beautiful and long-lasting works of fusion between contemporary dance and capoeira in Europe comes to us from the dancer, choreographer and capoeira master Armando Pekeno and his partner, also a dancer, choreographer and capoeirista Michelle Brown. Mestre Armando is one of the most important names in Brazilian contemporary dance in the world who, together with his partner, combine capoeira and Afro dance with today’s artistic dance languages. Choreographer, dancer and capoeirista Michelle Brown is of English origin and studied contemporary dance at the “Laban center for movement and dance” in London.
She had her first contact with capoeira in the United Kingdom, but it was in Paris, in 1990, that she began her journey in capoeira, until receiving the title of contra-mestra, in 2007. Currently, Armando Pekeno is today a of the main heirs of his Master, carrying forward this legacy on the most different stages, but always attentive and returning to its origins.
Always very active and creative, Armando is one of the precursors of contemporary dance in Bahia. He is particularly known for his work, which has its traditional roots in a contemporary context.
Companhia Ladainha, a contemporary dance company, was born from the meeting of Brazilian Armando Pekeno and Englishwoman Michelle Brown, in 1992. After a long period working in countries such as Brazil, Mexico, England, the United States, they moved to Rennes, in the French Brittany region, where the company was established.
Companhia Ladainha has a vast curriculum of shows, choreographies and courses, spread throughout the world, almost always focusing on hybrid expressions of Afro dance, capoeira and contemporary dance. They run several courses in which participants, capoeiristas, actors and dancers, can experience these languages, through participation in workshops, but also in artistic residencies.