Of Franco-Brazilian origin, she began her artistic career in dance at the age of 14. Passionate about Brazilian culture, she finds traditional dance a way of promoting this culture. His path crosses with several Brazilian dancers, including Armando Pekeno, Michelle Brown, Master King (choreographers from the Teatro Nacional da Bahia).
Begins learning the art of capoeira with master Beija-flor, joins the Capoeira Paname company. He participates in several show creations: “Memória de um gente”, “Senzala de Santos”, “Berimbau” among others.
Organizes various workshops and meetings related to the practice and development of capoeira and dance in Europe.
In 1999 he decided to teach this art to young people and founded the first capoeira school dedicated to children in France “Capoeira Cauim”.
In 2002, he graduated in Social Psychology at the Faculty of Jussieu-Paris7.
Invited by Rui Frati and Isabel Ribeiro, she works as a body expression consultant with the actors and discovers a new passion, theater, joins the Théâtre de l’Opprimé company as an actress and participates in several plays.
He gets involved in the Forum Theater projects, where he encounters the “psychosocial” dimension through theater.
She trained in the techniques of the theater of the oppressed and is now a trainer and responsible for several projects at the Théâtre de l’Opprimé, Paris, on issues related to early pregnancy and the prevention of sexual diseases aimed at a youth audience (French Guiana, and on the island meeting).
In 2017 he joined the team at Associação Travessias Culturais and is responsible for developing sociocultural work on Madeira Island in Portugal.
Today, he lives between Paris, where he works at the Théâtre de l’Opprimimé and Ponta do Sol.